The remnants of Hurricane Ida causes flooding in the Ditmas Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York City.
Hurricane Ida causes flooding in Brooklyn, New York, USA - 01 Sep 2021,Image: 629937356, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Uraganul Ida a distrus zeci de locuințe, a omorât oameni, a provocat tornade și inundații în nord-estul ţării. Primarul oraşului New York, Bill de Blasio, a declarat stare de urgență, miercuri seară, după ce au fost înregistrate precipitații record în urma uraganului Ida. Acesta a descris situația drept un „eveniment meteorologic istoric” și le-a cerut oamenilor să evite să iasă din case, din cauza condițiilor periculoase de pe drumuri, provocate de inundații.
Miercuri spre joi peste New York s-au abătut ploi torențiale, care au omorât şapte persoane în sudul Statelor Unite.
Pentru prima dată în istorie primarul De Blasio a fost nevoit să declare „urgenţă de inundaţii” pentru orașul New York.
Circulaţia pe aproape toate liniile de metrou din New York a fost suspendată miercuri seară, după ce rămăşiţele uraganului Ida au provocat ploi torenţiale şi au sporit riscul de alunecări de teren şi tornade, relatează CNN.
Flood waters cascade down subway steps as remnants of Hurricane Ida brings three inches of rain per hour across the city, in the New York City borough of Queens, NY, September 1, 2021.,Image: 629924290, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: ProfimediaMembers of the FDNY rescue a woman from her car stalled due to flash flooding after remnants of Hurricane Ida brought three inches of rain per hour across the city, in the New York City borough of Queens, NY, September 1, 2021.,Image: 629924285, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: ProfimediaCars make their way through flooded streets caused by flash flooding brought by the remnants of hurricane Ida, in the New York City borough of Queens, NY, September 1, 2021. More than three inches of rain fell per hour, causing New York City subway system to be temporarily suspended.,Image: 629924277, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: ProfimediaPeople stand inside a subway station as water runs past their feet during flash flooding caused by storm Ida in the New York City borough of Queens, NY, September 1, 2021.,Image: 629923411, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: ProfimediaMembers of the FDNY rescue a woman from her car stalled due to flash flooding after remnants of storm Ida brought three inches of rain per hour across the city, in the New York City borough of Queens, NY, September 1, 2021.,Image: 629922954, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: ProfimediaA homeless man stands in the doorway of a deli during flash flooding caused by storm Ida in the New York City borough of Queens, NY, September 1, 2021.,Image: 629922948, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** World Rights ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia