
AUR announces that it has joined Group of European Conservatives and Reformists in EP

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) announces that it joined the Group of European Conservatives and Reformists in the European Parliament, through its six MEPs: Cristian Terhes, Claudiu Tarziu, Gheorghe Piperea, Adrian Axinia, Georgiana Teodorescu and (His Highness) Serban Dimitrie Sturdza.

„The ECR leadership approved this afternoon, with unanimity of votes, the integration of the AUR MEPs into the group, going to fight, from Brussels, shoulder to shoulder for the interests of the Europeans,” AUR states in a press release on Wednesday.

The chairman of AUR, George Simion, said on this occasion that he hopes that, together with the other conservative governments in the ECR, they will stop „the idea of a European federal super-state”.

„They sang our praises, but they were wrong! The AUR MEPs will be active within the Group of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), the most important conservative group in the European Parliament. I hope that together with the other conservative governments in the ECR we will ensure prosperity for the European nations and stop the idea of a European federal super-state,” Simion said.

Cimpoi Adrian

Cimpoi Adrian este absolvent al Universității din București. După o perioadă în care a fost redactor și reporter pentru un post de televiziune, a decis să-și continuie drumul în presa scrisă.

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